Attempting to get USDC native on Persistence. The balance of the USDC.axl shows in Keplr wallet, but not showing when connected to the bridge.
- AxelarBridge
- Satellite
- USDC.axl
- Keplr
1) Try sending axl-usdc Persistence to axl-usdc Osmosis (If Satellite doesn't see your balance disable your VPN if you use it, if it doesn't help, change your browser)
2) Step swap axl-usdc Osmosis to usdc native Osmosis or via Squid
Most of the liquidity in the Cosmos ecosystem is in the Osmosis network, so when you send assets to other networks, it can sometimes be difficult to apply them.
Native USDC in the Cosmos ecosystem is issued on the Noble network , the main liquidity of native USDC is on the Osmosis network
You can use To transfer native USDC from EVM networks to Cosmos Ecosystem (but so far Squid does not support native USDC in Persistence network, I guess due to low liquidity).
Please note The first step should have been done via satellite, not manually via Keplr. (otherwise you will get an asset that you can't apply to Osmosis)
You need to send it back via Keplr, Osmosis to Persistence (as you sent it to Osmosis) and then try to do step 1 again via Satellite